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EMT’s Purse And Phone Stolen While She Was Busy Saving Woman’s Life


Detroit, MI – A emergency medical technician had her purse and cell phone stolen out of her ambulance on Monday while she was responding to a person in need.

Two people were caught on video using one of the stolen credit cards taken while Detroit EMT Charlene Kinnard was trying to save an elderly woman’s life, according to WJBK.

Kinnard said they received a call about an elderly woman who was having trouble breathing at about 11:30 p.m.

Kinnard said she and her partner were away from the ambulance and inside the woman’s home no more than eight minutes.

While taking the elderly woman to the hospital, Kinnard realized that her department-issued cell phone was missing.

Kinnard drove back to the elderly woman’s house thinking she may have left it there by accident, according to WJBK. But then she noticed that her purse was also gone.

Her credit card company then alerted her that someone used her credit card at a gas station.

A man and a woman walked into the gas station and used the EMT’s credit card and it was caught on video, according to Detroit Police Department Captain Darrell Patterson.

The woman used the credit card to purchase two packs of cigarettes and a snack.

“It’s very disheartening, it’s ugly and it’s hurtful,” said Kinnard, according to WJBK. “You inconvenienced me for a pair of cigarettes?”

“My name is on the card,” Kinnard said. “She knows that’s not his name. The girl was like okay, went and swiped it. Like what’s wrong with you? You are stupid; you are going to risk your freedom for two packs of cigarettes? Had it been some milk or eggs or something inside the gas station, it would make think maybe it was a kid, or someone who was hungry. I would be still mad but I can understand it a little bit better. But you bought cigarettes.”

Kinnard had to change the locks at her house and cancel her credit cards.

She’s upset that mementos were also lost in the theft such as a picture of her son, and a gift a friend gave her that was a stone with the word “serenity” on it that her friend prayed over.

Detroit police said the clear video has led to some leads.

“Nothing surprises me anymore,” Capt. Patterson said, according to WJBK. “It is just a terrible thing that somebody would do something like that to someone who is trying to help someone.”

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