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DEVELOPING: Texas Officer Reportedly Shot In Head


La Grange, TX – An officer has reportedly been shot in an incident which started at the La Grange Dollar General store Thursday evening.

KTBC is reporting that “officers” have been shot. However, a county judge told KEYE that one Fayette county officer was shot in the head.

According to KTBC, police officers responded to the store at around 6 p.m. and contacted a suspect.

The officers asked to see the suspect’s identification and took him outside, according to KTBC.

KEYE reports that the suspect cut one officer, then ran to his motel room at the Carter Motel. Officers pursued the suspect, who opened up his room door and shot an officer in the head.

KEYE reports that the suspect is barricaded in the motel.

Information is preliminary at this point and no official details have been released at this time.

The conditions of the wounded officers has not been released.

UPDATE: KVUE reporter Tony Plohetski reports that the shot officer was alert and talking.

UPDATE: The suspect is in custody. The officer who was shot is in critical condition.

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