
Denver Police Sergeant’s Leg Amputated Weeks After Fire Truck Ran Him Over During Parade


Denver, CO – The decorated Denver police sergeant who was severely injured after being run over by a firetruck when fans swarmed it during a parade for the Nuggets last month has lost a portion of his leg due to the incident.

Denver Police Department (DPD) Sergeant Justin Dodge, a member of the agency’s SWAT Team, underwent the amputation of a portion of his leg on July 7 and is now recovering at home, KUSA reported.

His friend, Colorado State Patrol (CSP) Major Brandon Means, said Sgt. Dodge underwent three operations prior to his leg being amputated during a fourth procedure.

The injured hero was released from the hospital on July 10, KUSA reported.

Sgt. Dodge has been a member of the law enforcement community for more than two decades, Maj. Means said.

Despite the severity of his injuries, the dedicated sergeant is focused on getting himself back to work, KUSA reported.

“He has not complained one time about this,” Maj. Means said. “He is just talking about moving forward and using this as a way to spread positivity to others who may go through something similar, a hardship, and to bring community together.”

“He has absolutely no doubt that he’s going to be back on the job, back doing his regular duties, and he’s going to get there,” the major added.

In the meantime, his friends and coworkers have been holding fundraisers to help Sgt. Dodge during his recovery.

“Anything we can do to help Justin and his family get through this time until he can figure out his new normal and get him to a place where he can thrive again, that’s our goal,” Maj. Means told KUSA. “We’re raising money for Justin and his family. All the proceeds go directly to Justin and his family to help them get through this process, to help him get back where he wants to be.”

The tragic incident occurred near Cherokee Street and 13th Street at approximately 11:30 a.m. on June 15, The Denver Gazette reported.

A Denver Fire Department (DFD) truck carrying several Nuggets players was rounding the corner at the intersection at the end of the parade when it was swarmed by a massive group of fans.

Sgt. Dodge and the rest of the DPD SWAT team were trying to keep fans away from the truck when he became entangled with the truck’s tire, The Denver Gazette reported.

“The fire truck began to roll up the back of his left leg, trapping him underneath the vehicle causing a very significant lower leg injury,” Denver Police Chief Ron Thomas said during a press conference later that day.

News videographer Brian Willie said he witnessed the incident firsthand.

“The truck isn’t even going a mile an hour. I mean it’s creeping barely,” Willie told CBS News. “I just heard a guy yell and I look and I see him going down to the ground and another SWAT officer starts banging on the truck.”

Cell phone footage showed police rushing to the injured officer’s aid in the wake of the incident.

Officers worked to keep the crowd back while other officers tended to the officer on the ground.

At least one of them applied a tourniquet to the wounded hero, CBS News reported.

“We were able to extricate him from underneath the fire truck, load him up in an ambulance and rushed him to Denver Health,” Chief Thomas said, according to The Denver Gazette.

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