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Cop Who City Forgot To Insure Gets $84k Medication Covered After Media Attention


Temple, GA – A rookie Temple police officer who had been left without health insurance due to an error by the city got the good news that he now has coverage.

Temple Police Officer Justin Jordan said he was told his new job came with health insurance when he was hired for the Atlanta metropolitan area police force, WXIA reported.

Officer Jordan said he filled out all the proper paperwork to enroll for medical insurance through the City of Temple when he started work in December of 2017.

But somebody goofed, and the paperwork was never submitted to the insurance company.

The Temple city administrator told WXIA that somebody dropped the ball with Officer Jordan’s application and as a result, he does not have coverage.

“All throughout the year, Officer Jordan repeatedly requested his insurance card from the city clerk with the response always being, ‘let me call the insurance company and find out where it is.’ Towards the middle of the year, Officer Jordan began to feel ill and once again requested his insurance card from City Hall. It was at this time they admitted they had dropped the ball and said he wasn’t covered on the cities insurance plan,” his friend Amanda Poss wrote on a GoFundMe page she established to help him.

“When Officer Jordan called to check the price of his medication, he was told it would be a total of $84,000 dollars,” Poss added.

“The reason why his health is not getting better is because he can’t get his medicine because they failed. They failed him. He didn’t fail,” she wrote.

On Oct. 18, a week after Officer Jordan was diagnosed and discovered he had no coverage, the situation was resolved.

He said he received a call from his pharmacy letting him know that everything was finally approved and that the medication he needed was covered, WXIA reported.

“I just want to thank everyone in the metro Atlanta area for their support and encouragement. Thank you for standing beside me,” Officer Jordan told WXIA.

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