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Company Will Reward Those Blocked From Posting Cop-Killer’s Immigration Status


St. Louis, MO – The owner of patriotic apparel company, Warrior 12, has declared that he will give free $10 gift cards to anybody who has been blocked by Facebook for posting about a cop killer’s immigration status.

Disclosure: Warrior 12 sells all official Blue Lives Matter gear and the proceeds help fund Blue Lives Matter’s operating costs.

“Facebook is claiming that an objective fact is hate speech, and that’s wrong. It’s un-American,” owner Joseph Murphy told Blue Lives Matter.

Gustavo Perez Arriaga, 32, fatally shot Cpl. Singh during a predawn traffic stop on Wednesday, leading to a massive multiagency manhunt. He was captured Friday morning.

Arriaga is an illegal immigrant, has self-promoted his status as a member of the Sureno street gang, and has two prior drunk driving convictions in Madera County, Stanislaus County Sheriff Adam Christianson said.

“This suspect, unlike Ron – who immigrated to this country lawfully and legally to pursue his lifelong career of public safety, public service and being a police officer – this suspect is in our country illegally. He doesn’t belong here. He’s a criminal,” Sheriff Christianson said during a press conference on Thursday afternoon.

Reports started coming in Friday night that people were having their Facebook posts removed, or having their Facebook accounts suspended, because they stated that Arriaga was an illegal immigrant.

“It’s not clear if Facebook is trying to deter people from knowing about crimes committed by illegal aliens, or trying to deter support for a border wall, but we’re not going to stand for it,” Murphy said.

Murphy started Warrior 12 while working as a police officer in a sanctuary jurisdiction, and has seen the effect of sanctuary policies firsthand.

“There are plenty of good people who are in the country illegally, and people have different opinions about how their legal status should be handled,” Murphy added. “But once any non-citizen is committing crimes and endangering the community, that should be game over. Those people should be removed from the country. There shouldn’t be anybody saying that they want to keep criminals around to continue to harm their community, but that’s exactly what is happening.”

Murphy went on to say that he would proudly give a $10 Warrior 12 gift card to everybody who sends a picture to Warrior 12 showing that Facebook removed their post communicating that Arriaga is an illegal immigrant.

Just take a picture which shows Facebook removing your post, and send the picture to the Warrior 12 Facebook page or e-mail it to customerservice@warrior12.com

“If enough of us act, there will be no hiding the fact that Corporal Singh would be alive if not for this illegal alien,” Murphy said.

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