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BREAKING: Three Whole Towns Ordered Evacuated After 20+ Homes Explode


Andover, MA – At least 20 homes are on fire or exploded across three towns, and evacuations have been ordered in the area, according to WPRI.

The affected towns are Lawrence, Andover, and North Andover.

Authorities believe that an issue with the gas lines are behind the explosions, but they said that at this point it's too early to speculate.

First responders estimate that there could be up to 50 fires at this point, according to Eagle Tribune.

Robocalls have gone out to the area urging residents to shut off their gas lines, but many don't know how.

"There are multiple basement fires in Andover. It's some kind of gas issue," Andover Police Department Lt. Edward Guy told Eagle Tribune. "We urge residents if they are smelling gas to get out of the house and contact 911. We will get units out there."

UPDATE: There are reports that evacuees are stuck in traffic and authorities are attempting to alter incoming traffic lanes to be used for outgoing traffic.

There are now 39 confirmed explosions.

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