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BREAKING: Migrants Breach Wall, Throw Rocks, Get Gassed Back To Mexico – Videos


Tijuana, Mexico – People in the migrant caravan in Tijuana successfully breached the U.S. border wall on Sunday, but were repelled with gas.

Hundreds of the immigrants broke through the Mexico blockade to make it to the border wall.

Waving Honduran flags, a group of mostly men opened up a gap in the wall. However, some women also pushed small children in strollers to the breach in the wall.

Then, immigrants started throwing rocks and U.S. agents responded with gas.

The border point of entry has now been completely shut down in response to the rush at the border.

It’s not clear at this time if any arrests were made.

Pro-immigrants have been blasting the Border Patrol on social media for using gas because some immigrants brought their children to an attack on the border wall.

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