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BREAKING: Mass Shooting In Courthouse, Officer Hit


Masontown, PA – Multiple people were shot at a Fayette County magisterial district judge’s Masontown office on Wednesday.

Authorities have said that several people, including at least one police officer, were shot at around 2 p.m. on Sept. 19, the Herald Standard reported.

The shooting took place at the East Church Avenue office of Magisterial District Judge Daniel Shimshock, according to the Herald Standard.

That police officer was believed to have been shot in the hand, and he was being treated for that injury, WTAE reported.

A witness told WTAE that he saw a woman running for her life in front of the courthouse, being chased by a man who was firing a gun at her.

WTAE reported that the Fayette County coroner had been called to respond to the scene.

Police have told reporters that the threat is over, according to WTAE.

“The shooter started in the outside area and the shooter obviously, moved in to the courtroom,” witness Dr. Royce told WTAE, describing the incident that occurred.

The woman said she took cover in a nearby office. She said people were running for their lives in the courthouse, losing shoes and dropping purses in their wake as they ran.

The magistrate had more than 100 people gathered in the area to be seen in the courtroom at 1 p.m., the woman told WTAE.

The local elementary and middle schools have enacted a “soft lockdown” but reassured parents that there was no threat to their children at this time.

Pennsylvania State Police are asking all witness to come forward to troopers at the Uniontown Barracks. They’re also looking to talk to anybody who knows anything about the shooting or the gunman’s motive, WTAE reported.

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