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BREAKING: CNN Evacuated For Package, Bombs Sent To Clintons, Obama


New York, NY – CNN cut a live news feed as their employees were evacuated from the Time Warner Center because of a suspicious package on Wednesday morning.

The show “CNN Newsroom” was actually discussing suspicious packages sent to the White House and the homes of Bill and Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama when an alarm went off in the newsroom.

CNN later issued a correction that no bomb had been sent to the White House.

The U.S. Secret Service intercepted the package intended to reach Obama’s home in Washington, DC, according to The Hill.

CNN was reporting that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) said the bombs sent to George Soros, the White House, and former president Clinton and Obama, were connected when an alarm went off in the studio.

“We just evacuated CNN NY office in the middle of our show. We are with our CNN colleagues. Potential explosive device received here,” CNN news anchor Poppy Barlow tweeted.

Shortly thereafter, WTVJ reported that a suspicious package had also arrived at the Sunrise offices of U.S. Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Florida) on Wednesday.

Barlow continued reporting from the sidewalk after CNN was evacuated, and said there was concern the device inside the Time Warner Center could not be safely defused at that location.

FBI officials confirmed the package sent to CNN was an actual explosive device. They said all the devices sent appeared to be “functional, but rudimentary.”

The New York Police Department was considering moving the improvised explosive device to a location in the Bronx called Rodman’s Neck, where it could be detonated inside a safe facility, CNN reported.

CNN President Jeff Zucker sent out an email to employees shortly after the evacuation of the newsroom that said the building was “evacuated out of an abundance of caution.”

Networks were reporting that neither the Clintons nor the Obamas were in residence when the packages arrived, but the U.S. Secret Service said there was never any risk the suspicious items would have made it to their intended recipients.

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