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Boston PD Commish Calls Out ACLU ‘Paper Warriors’ For Helping MS-13


Boston, MA – The top cop of the Boston police force took some shots at the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) in a posting to his personal Facebook page on Saturday.

The ACLU of Massachusetts is part of a lawsuit that alleges the Boston Police Department uses racial profiling in its internal system for monitoring gang violence, WFXT reported.

Boston Police Commissioner William Gross called the ACLU “paper warriors” and defended his department’s efforts to combat the gang violence – specifically MS-13 – that has plagued the city.

“How would they know, they are never in the streets but always hiding and waiting for a slow news day to justify their existence,” Commissioner Gross wrote on his personal Facebook page.

The commissioner accused the ACLU of turning a blind eye toward “atrocities” being committed by gangs in Boston, the Boston Herald reported.

“Despite the paper warriors, we’ll continue to do our jobs,” Commissioner Gross wrote.

MS-13 has committed numerous violent crimes in Boston, including murders in Eastie, robberies, extortion, drug dealing and racketeering, the Boston Herald reported.

“I sure as hell didn’t see the ACLU in El Salvador working to find a solution to our youth being inducted into the MS-13 Gang and The 18th Street Gang,” Commissioner Gross continued in his post. “Didn’t see the ACLU there or at any of our 22 programs and initiatives for our citizens and youth.”

The commissioner was referring to the ACLU’s failure to participate in a group educational trip to El Salvador to learn more about MS-13 and its recruiting practices. Media outlets covering the problem participated, but the ACLU declined to send someone on the trip.

In his missive, Commissioner Gross also pointed out that the ACLU was very one-sided, and hadn’t even bothered to send condolences after a Boston police officer was shot in the face.

“I sure as hell saw a member of the ACLU in the background taking pictures as a certain group tried to crash through the crime scene three hours later as they advocated for the criminal that shot the officer,” he wrote.

“No ACLU when officers are shot, no ACLU when we help citizens, no ACLU present when we have to explain to a mother that her son or daughter was horribly murdered by gang violence,” the commissioner continued.

Commissioner Gross’s post addressed the fact that the ACLU has no idea what officers are going through in trying to battle the MS-13 gang taking over the city’s streets.

The Boston Herald reported that 49 MS-13 gang members had recently been convicted.

The lawsuit which inspired the commissioner’s rant on Facebook has been filed by the ACLU and the Children’s Law Center of Massachusetts, Greater Boston Legal Services, the Justice Center of Southeast Massachusetts, the Muslim Justice League, the National Lawyers Guild, Massachusetts Chapter, and the Political Asylum/Immigration Representation Project, WFXT reported.

The suit is seeking to force the Boston PD to release information about how the police department’s system of labeling gang members works.

The groups have alleged that the police department has been sharing its information with federal immigration officials, in direct opposition to Mayor Martin Walsh’s declaration that Boston is a “sanctuary city,” the Boston Globe reported.

“Commissioner Gross’ accusations appear to be nothing more than an attempt to divert attention from the serious issues raised by an ACLU lawsuit that seeks to uncover whether the Boston Police Department is unfairly and arbitrarily targeting people of color through its gang database and sharing that information with federal immigration officials,” the ACLU responded in a statement on Sunday.

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