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Black Lives Matter Urges Followers To ‘Acquire’ ‘Racist’ Thin Blue Line Flags


Sacramento, CA – Black Lives Matter Sacramento (BLMS) has asked its followers take as many Thin Blue Line flags as possible and to “donate” them to their cause.

“We are taking all donations of Blue Lives Matter flags acquired on the street [not bought],” the group wrote in a Facebook post on Monday.

Follower Rob Marchi asked BLMS for clarification.

“Is this calling for us to turn in discarded or otherwise abandoned flags, or acquire them by other means?” he wrote.

“It doesn’t state either,” BLMS responded.

On Monday evening, the anti-police group posted a Facebook Live video to complain about the “influx” of “terrorizing” messages and phone calls they had received since they made their request.

“The Blue Lives Matter flag is a racist flag,” BLMS founder Tanya Faison declared in the video.

She noted that BLMS “put out a request for people to donate” the allegedly racist flags to the group “if they have access to them.”

“We did not say how to get those flags. We did not imply how to get those flags,” Faison claimed, after telling people not to pay for the flags. “But we do need those flags, so if you have any Blue Lives Matter flags, or if you have access to them, please donate the flags to us.”

“We need them. We need as many as possible,” she reiterated. “There is no question, there is no doubt, that the Blue Lives Matter flag is symbolic of racism and white supremacy.”

Faison also urged people not to purchase the flags in order to hand them in, “because the people who are selling them don’t need to make money.”

“It’s like saying… black lives don’t matter… while they kill us and they get away with it,” she alleged. “So, I just wanted to remind people of that.”

She insisted that the purpose of Blue Lives Matter was to perpetuate the idea that “blue lives are more important than black lives.”

Blue Lives Matter has never suggested that anyone’s life matters more or less based on the color of their skin, and one of their core values is equality. Blue Lives Matter has continually condemned racism.

“This is what makes it racist,” Faison added. “We’re being killed on a regular basis, especially here in Sacramento.”

Retired Las Vegas Metro Lieutenant and Blue Lives Matter spokesman Randy Sutton told CBS Sacramento that the Thin Blue Line flag represents people of all races.

“The makeup of the Thin Blue Line which that flag represents, represents all of America,” Sutton said. “It represents white people, black people, Hispanic people, females, males, gays, transexuals.”

Joseph Murphy, the president of patriotic apparel company Warrior 12, says that thefts of Thin Blue Line flags have increased so much that his company started offering free replacements to customers for theft.

“Unfortunately, many people feel entitled to steal other people’s property because they have different politics,” Murphy said, before calling Black Lives Matter “professional liars.”

Faison complained that people have been supporting law enforcement and defending the Thin Blue Line flag in the wake of Davis Police Officer Natalie Corona’s recent murder.

The 22-year-old officer had been patrolling the streets on her own for just two weeks when she was murdered by 48-year-old Kevin Douglas Limbaugh as she was investigating a car crash on Jan 10.

“People are all on this ‘Oh it’s supporting police and Officer Corona got killed,” Faison said in a condescending tone. “Yeah, it’s really sad when anybody dies.”

BLMS also mentioned Officer Corona in a blog post on Sunday.

“What we don’t understand is why the officer is held as a hero, validated in their heartbreak, supported throughout the community, and vindicated through ALREADY existing laws that already make their lives matter more than a non-officer,” the blog post read.

“The hard, direct, and chilling fact is that the blue lives matter ‘movement’ is simply repackaged Nazi propaganda,” it further stated.

Faison apologized to viewers who might be “triggered” by comments and posts that some people have been making criticizing the BLMS movement on the group’s own Facebook page, and assured them that moderators have been taking them down and blocking dissenters as fast as possible.

“It does wear and tear on your soul,” she lamented.

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