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Active Shooter Murders 2 People, Makes Racist Remarks When Leaving Scene


Jeffersontown, KY – Police say that they are aware that Thursday’s active shooter made racist comments, but they are still investigating his motive.

Gregory Bush, 51, was captured by police shortly after he opened fire in the grocery store and its parking lot, leaving one man and one woman dead, WYMT reported.

Police got calls reporting an active shooter at the grocery store in the 9000-block of Taylorsville Road at about 3 p.m. on Oct. 24, WLKY reported.

Multiple Kroger employees and their family members told WLKY that a person came into the Kroger firing a weapon.

The arrest citation for Bush said he “pulled a pistol from his waistband and shot [a man] in the rear of the head and again multiple times as he lay on the floor.”

Bush then re-holstered his weapon and walked out of the store, according to the citation, the Louisville Courier Journal reported.

Once he was in the parking lot, Bush once again drew his weapon and fatally shot a woman.

Witnesses told WAVE that they heard two bursts of gunfire inside of the store. Moments later, they saw two men in a gun battle in the parking lot.

They also said that Bush fired multiple times at the two people he shot, continuing to fire at them after they were down on the ground.

Jeffersontown Police Chief Sam Rogers told reporters at a press conference that Bush fired multiple rounds at the man inside the store, NBC News reported. Then he shot the female victim multiple times outside in the parking lot.

Chief Rogers said a citizen armed with a gun engaged the shooter in the parking lot, but the suspect fled.

The chief did not speculate on the motives of the gunman, and no other information regarding that has been released.

Off-duty EMT Eric Deacon told the Associated Press that he was in the self-checkout lane of the store when he heard the first shot, which was fired in the pharmacy, NBC News reported.

Deacon said he saw the shooter, and “the look on his face, he looked like he just didn’t care.”

He said he then saw another man in the store with a gun who appeared to be shooting at Bush, trying to get him out of the store, according to the Associated Press.

Deacon said that when he went outside a minute later, he tried to resuscitate a victim in the parking lot, a woman in her mid-50s or early 60s, but it was too late, and she was already dead.

“She was gone, there’s nothing I could do,” Deacon said. “I think she just got caught in the crossfire.”

Ed Harrell told the Louisville Courier Journal that he encountered Bush in the Kroger parking lot.

Harrell said he was waiting for his wife while she shopped inside the store when he heard the gunshots.

He said he grabbed his revolver and crouched down next to his car.

That’s when Harrell saw the gunman walking “nonchalantly” through the parking lot carrying his weapon at his side.

Harrell told the Louisville Courier Journal that he called out to Bush to ask what was going on, and the gunman turned and looked at him.

“Don’t shoot me. I won’t shoot you. Whites don’t shoot whites,” the gunman told Harrell.

Harrell said he didn’t know what to do at the point, but when Bush began moving, he jumped behind a car and took cover, the Louisville Courier Journal reported.

He said he watched as Bush got into his vehicle and left the parking lot.

Police apprehended Bush a few minutes later on Hurstbourne Parkway, the Louisville Courier Journal reported.

Authorities later discovered that he had tried unsuccessfully to enter the First Baptist church before going to the grocery store, according to Charlotte Observer. The newspaper noted that the church is headed by a black pastor with a large black congregation.

Bush was charged with two counts of murder and 10 counts of wanton endangerment.

He was arraigned on Thursday morning and remained in Metro Corrections in Louisville, held on a $5 million bond, according to the Louisville Courier Journal.

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