
11-Year-Old Girl Burned After Mom Of 12 Year Old Allegedly Gave Daughter Acid To Throw In Fight


Detroit, MI – An 11-year-old girl is recovering from serious burns in numerous places on her body after a 12-year-old girl threw acid on her at a playground at a public elementary school.

The incident occurred on July 9 on the playground at Vernor Elementary School in Detroit when11-year-old Deaira Summers and her siblings and cousins were playing on the equipment, the New York Post reported.

Police said there had a been an argument between some of the children on the same playground a day earlier but that Deaira had not been a part of that altercation.

However, she was a bystander the next afternoon when the 12-year-old girl who had been arguing with some of the other children the day before returned to the campus of Vernor Elementary School with her mother, WXYZ reported.

Deaira wasn’t involved in the fight that ensued, but when she dashed into the fray to grab her purse that she’d left behind, the 12 year old threw acid on her, burning her in multiple places.

The 11 year old sustained second and third-degree burns to her back, stomach, arms, legs, and neck as a result of the attack, WXYZ reported.

Authorities determined that the 12 year old had thrown acid on Deaira and the younger girl spent three days in the hospital being treated for the serious injuries resulting from the attack.

The Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office charged the 12-year-old girl who allegedly attacked Deaira with intent to do great bodily harm and felonious assault on July 16, WXYZ reported.

“How does a child even think to bring acid to a park?” Deaira’s mother asked reporters.

But witnesses said the child’s mother, who was with her daughter at the playground, handed her 12 year old the bottle of acid that was used in the vicious attack.

“You don’t know what you did,” Deaira’s mother said. “I feel like it was the most evil thing you could do to a kid.”

She said she thought the older child’s mother had instigated the attack on her daughter, WXYZ reported.

“Whoever was involved with her, I would like them all to be arrested for what they did to my daughter,” the outraged mother told reporters.

“I hope she gets what she deserves, and they all get what they deserve,” Deaira agreed.

Her mother said that Deaira is recovering but the process is difficult and slow, WXYZ reported.

“It takes maybe two hours what used to be 20 minutes getting dressed,” she explained. “It takes about 2 hours to give her her medicine. I have to give her medication 30 minutes before she takes a bath.”

Deaira is in a lot of pain and they’re having to constantly change bandages, WXYZ reported.

Her grandfather is worried about the physical and emotional scars that his 11-year-old granddaughter has suffered.

“How she gonna feel going back to school? How she gonna feel going on a playground again? How she gonna adjust to third degree burns all over her body?” Billy Summers asked.

The name of the child who allegedly attacked Deaira has not been publicly released because of her age.

She is due back in court for her arraignment on Tuesday.

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