
Fallen Heroes, imported
Hero Down: DHS Special Agent Dennis McCarthy Succumbs To 9/11-Related Cancer


Massapequa, NY – United States Department of Homeland Security Immigration and Customs Enforcement Homeland Security Investigations Special Agent Dennis McCarthy died in the line of duty on Oct. 27, when he succumbed to cancer that developed following his service at the World Trade Center terrorist attacks on Sep. 11, 2001.

Agent McCarthy responded to the decimated U.S. Custom House at the World Trade Center immediately after the attacks.

He remained there to help with recovery and search efforts, according to the Officer Down Memorial Page.

Agent McCarthy, a 31-year veteran of the agency, later retired from his position, a fundraising page established to help with his medical expenses read on Oct. 16.

“Dennis was diagnosed earlier this year with a 9/11 related sarcoma. He recently had multiple surgeries, and will need comprehensive medical care at home,” the page continued.

“He so bravely worked for months at the site during the days following this tragic event, to help our country heal,” the site read. “We can come together to help this wonderful family who has given so much to our community and country.”

Agent McCarthy leaves behind his wife, Rosemary, as well as their three daughters and one granddaughter.

“I have no words to express my deep-felt gratitude during the most difficult time in my family’s life,” Rosemary wrote on the fundraising page on Monday.

“We were waiting and hoping for the day that Dennis would return to our family home,” she said. “God had other plans and Dennis has been welcomed into God’s home.”

Rosemary said that she had donated the medical equipment her husband had not used to “another 911 family.”

“My hope is that it may ease their burden in some small way,” she wrote. “I am truly overwhelmed by the love, generosity and support you have shown. My faith in humanity has been strengthened by your kindness and support.”

Agent McCarthy was laid to rest on Nov. 2, according to his obituary.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of United States Department of Homeland Security Immigration and Customs Enforcement Homeland Security Investigations Special Agent Dennis McCarthy, both blood and blue. Thank you for your service.

Rest easy, hero. We’ll hold the line from here.

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