
Fallen Heroes, imported
Hero Down: Davie Police Lieutenant Chad Rosen Succumbs To Leukemia


Davie, FL – Davie Police Department Lieutenant Chad Rosen died on Nov. 8, following a “hard battle with leukemia,” his department has announced.

Lt. Rosen, 45, was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia earlier this year, the Davie Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 100 said in a Facebook post.

The department and local community immediately rallied around him, and held several fundraisers and a blood drive to help him and his family through his treatment, the Sun Sentinel reported.

“I am so proud of all the officers of the Davie Police Department. They have had a very successful blood drive, have set up meals for Chad’s family, developed a supportive T-shirt for officers to wear, and continually visit to keep Chad’s spirits up,” Davie Police Chief Keith Dunn told the paper in May.

“Chad’s midnight squad even conducted roll call at his bedside one night, which he still talks about,” Chief Dunn added.

When Lt. Rosen was stuck in the hospital receiving treatment and couldn’t attend his son’s high school graduation, uniformed members of the police department went in his place.

“Chad is one of our Davie Police Family,” Chief Dunn said at the time. “Our officers felt it was important to be there for Chad’s son, Michael, during this special occasion.”

Lt. Rosen, a 16-year department veteran, previously served as an officer with the Surfside Police Department for over two years, his agency said in a Facebook post.

He was assigned to the Road Patrol Division’s Alpha shift, and was also a member of the Crisis Response Team and the Mobile Field Force Team.

Lt. Rosen was a supervisor for the Field Training Officer shift, and served as a Department Instructor for first aid, CPR, and automated external defibrillator trainings.

The lieutenant also served as an adjunct professor at the Broward College Institute of Public Safety.

Lt. Rosen received numerous commendations throughout his law enforcement career, including five Officer of the Month awards, two Lifesaving awards, and the Department’s Distinguished Service Award.

He made headlines in 2013, when he helped to negotiate the peaceful surrender of a suicidal military veteran who was attempting to hang himself from a bridge, WFOR reported.

“I introduced myself and he was crying,” Lt. Rosen told the news outlet at the time.

“I told him I had two goals: one was to have a peaceful resolution, the other was to shake his hand and say thank you for your service,” he recalled. “He had said to me he didn’t want to die but he was prepared to die. I knew he was serious about his mission.”

The lieutenant and his fellow officers were eventually able to convince the veteran to go to the hospital for an evaluation.

On the day he passed away, Chief Dunn promoted him to the rank of lieutenant, as he stood at the foot of Lt. Rosen’s hospital bed, a video published by Jonathan Silverstein showed.

“During the time that Chad was battling this, he had the opportunity to take the lieutenant’s test,” Chief Dunn explained to those tearfully gathered in the room.

“Now, these assessors had no idea what Chad had been battling,” he continued. “He brought no excuses to the test, and he took it.”

The assessors “raved” about him, and said he was “spot-on” with his answers, the chief said.

“He knew everything. He hit every mark,” Chief Dunn revealed. “He was perfect. A perfect score.”

The chief said he was “amazed” by Lt. Rosen as both an officer and as a friend.

“Chad is an exemplary officer – somebody with a sense of humor – and somebody who I truly enjoyed.” Chief Dunn said. “And I’m honored to be able to say I felt he was one of my friends.”

The chief then announced the fallen officer’s promotion, and handed a lieutenant’s badge to his widow to pin on his chest, the video showed.

Lt. Rosen leaves behind his wife, Jennifer, and their five children, Ashley, Shea, Michael, Zoie, and Anthony, as well as many friends and extended family members.

“The Davie Police Department wishes to extend our sincerest condolences, thoughts and prayers to all of Chad’s family,” the agency’s Facebook post read.

Lt. Rosen was laid to rest on Sunday.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of Davie Police Department Lieutenant Chad Rosen, both blood and blue. Thank you for your service.

Rest easy, hero. We’ll hold the line from here.

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